Dialogue on Bridging the Climate Change Divide

July 25, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Sonoma County Healing Academy
6741 Sebastopol Ave #120
Sebastopol, CA 95472
The Dialogue Group & Transition US

Human Caused Climate Change is a ‘wicked’ problem:  complex, multi-faceted and systemic in nature.  It impacts every aspect of society:  environmental, political, economic, and social.  It has become a political issue, closely identified with the partisan divide and related uncivil discourse.  It has challenged beliefs and world views and exposed our human limitations to grapple with threats that have long time horizons.  How do we talk about climate change that engages everyone?  How do we create new hopeful visions and generate the resolve to act in adapting to our new reality?  Linda Ellinor will preview ideas for the two sessions she will be lead in October at the NCDD (National Consortium of Dialogue and Deliberation) Conference in Boston.  One session will be on the ways members in the D&D Climate Action Network use their process skills to advance climate change work.  The other, on the challenge of engaging people from varying political predispositions.  She will then lead us in the practice of Bohm Dialogue on the patterns we see in “bridging the climate change divide”.   Bring your experiences, ideas, and snacks to share.

Facilitator Bio

Linda Ellinor led the founding of the D&D Climate Action Network last year and is known for her pioneering work in training facilitators in ‘Bohm Dialogue.’  She is co-founder of the Dialogue Group and co-author of Dialogue:  Rediscover the Transforming Power of Conversation, Wiley & Sons, 1998 which has been translated into 3 languages.  She has over 25 years of experience in the corporate world and as a consultant, holds advanced degrees in business and psychology and is a climate change advocate.
Co-Sponsored by The Dialogue Group & Transition US

The Dialogue Group (http://thedialoguegroup.net/) utilizes a dynamic new system for fostering effective communications within groups to help members achieve optimal results.

Transition US (www.transitionus.org) catalyzes and strengthens a national network of citizen-powered groups who are building local resilience through community action.

For more information: www.apcongroup.comwww.thedialoguegroup.nethttp://ddcan@qiqochat.com

image attributed to Banksy (photo by M. Yelverton)