Friends of Maxwell Park

Workshops to Transform Maxwell Park

June 26, 2015 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
FAHA Cafe - Finish American Home Association
197 Verano Avenue
Sonoma, CA 95476
Larry Davis
Workshops to Transform Maxwell Park @ FAHA Cafe - Finish American Home Association  | Sonoma | California | United States

From 10 AM to 6 PM on Friday, June 26, at the FAHA cafe on Verano Avenue in El Verano,  the Friends of Maxwell Park  will host nine short, 45 minute community workshops. Each workshop will focus on a different core issue facing Maxwell Park users, planners and managers as we recreate the park’s master plan.

Registration will be through out the day from 10 AM to 6 PM.  Local residents are encouraged to attend one or several of the workshops depending on their interests.  All Workshops will use either a seminar process, (10 or less participants),  or a world cafe process, (up to 25 participants). The intention is to elicit the views of participants and form on-going research and planning working groups

Workshop Schedule
Morning Visions: Changing  Our Way of Thinking About and Using the Park 

10 AM: Designing a Park for Use by Elders, Small Children, Dogs, Beavers, and Women Walking

11 AM: Slide Show: Redirecting the Urbanization of Maxwell Park to Create a Community Urban Park

NOON: Using Maxwell Park for Public Events: Art, Music, Food, and Fiestas!

Afternoon Realities: The Social, Ecological, and Economic Context of Maxwell Park

1PM: Integrating Maxwell Park with El Verano and its Local Adjacent Neighborhoods

2PM: Protected Spaces: Creek Habitats, Bird Inventories, & Nature Trails

3 PM: Open Space: Participants Choice

Evening  Hard Choices:  Energy, Money and Politics    

4 PM: Repeat of 11 AM Slide Show Plus Summary of Earlier Workshops

5 PM: Transitioning to Sustainable Park Management: Energy, Money, & Politics

6 PM: Creating New Soccer Fields for Adults and Teens
The purpose of these workshops is to engage local residents of El Verano and the springs communities in re-imagining how the park can be used to support the community health and quality of life of its adjacent neighborhoods.

Our challenge is to develop a new twenty-first century urban community park which serves multiple multi-cultural, social, and recreational interests; is safe and accessible for elders, the handicapped and small children; preserves and enhances the park’s exquisite environmental qualities; and is sustain-ably and cost effectively managed.

To schedule a time to express your interests and concerns, or to offer help with workshop tasks (registration, serving  coffee, note taking, etc.,) please contact Larry Davis or visit

Read the feature story in the Sonoma Index Tribune >>

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