197 Verano Avenue
Sonoma, CA 95476
From 10 AM to 6 PM on Friday, June 26, at the FAHA cafe on Verano Avenue in El Verano, the Friends of Maxwell Park will host nine short, 45 minute community workshops. Each workshop will focus on a different core issue facing Maxwell Park users, planners and managers as we recreate the park’s master plan.
Registration will be through out the day from 10 AM to 6 PM. Local residents are encouraged to attend one or several of the workshops depending on their interests. All Workshops will use either a seminar process, (10 or less participants), or a world cafe process, (up to 25 participants). The intention is to elicit the views of participants and form on-going research and planning working groups
Workshop Schedule
Morning Visions: Changing Our Way of Thinking About and Using the Park
10 AM: Designing a Park for Use by Elders, Small Children, Dogs, Beavers, and Women Walking
11 AM: Slide Show: Redirecting the Urbanization of Maxwell Park to Create a Community Urban Park
NOON: Using Maxwell Park for Public Events: Art, Music, Food, and Fiestas!
Afternoon Realities: The Social, Ecological, and Economic Context of Maxwell Park
1PM: Integrating Maxwell Park with El Verano and its Local Adjacent Neighborhoods
2PM: Protected Spaces: Creek Habitats, Bird Inventories, & Nature Trails
3 PM: Open Space: Participants Choice
Evening Hard Choices: Energy, Money and Politics
4 PM: Repeat of 11 AM Slide Show Plus Summary of Earlier Workshops
5 PM: Transitioning to Sustainable Park Management: Energy, Money, & Politics
6 PM: Creating New Soccer Fields for Adults and Teens
The purpose of these workshops is to engage local residents of El Verano and the springs communities in re-imagining how the park can be used to support the community health and quality of life of its adjacent neighborhoods.
Our challenge is to develop a new twenty-first century urban community park which serves multiple multi-cultural, social, and recreational interests; is safe and accessible for elders, the handicapped and small children; preserves and enhances the park’s exquisite environmental qualities; and is sustain-ably and cost effectively managed.
To schedule a time to express your interests and concerns, or to offer help with workshop tasks (registration, serving coffee, note taking, etc.,) please contact Larry Davis or visit FriendsOfMaxwellPark.org.