Fluoride in Our Water – No Thanks

UPDATE: On March 2, 2015, the Sonoma City Council voted 3 to 2 to send a modified letter to the Board of Supervisors outlining why we as a community oppose adding fluoride to our water supply at this time. Transition Sonoma Valley thanks our Mayor and other council members who voted with us on this challenging issue.

To those who felt that taking a stand at this time was premature, we respect your opinions. We hope everyone on both sides of this issue will join us in promising to keep an open mind as new scientific evidence may become available.

Read the story in the Press Democrat>>

On Wednesday February 18, 2015 at 6:00PM, the Sonoma City Council will consider whether to send a letter of opposition to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors regarding fluoridation of our local water supply.

Transition Sonoma Valley has looked into this issue already and decided to oppose fluoridation, as have many our partners including the Sonoma Valley Grange, Sonoma County Water Coalition, and Fluoride Free Sonoma County.

Read TSV’s letter to the Sonoma City Council (Feb 25, 2015)>>

Read TSV’s letter to the Board of Supervisors (Feb 21, 2014) >>

One thought on “Fluoride in Our Water – No Thanks”

  1. Unfortunately no one from TSV was at the Sonoma City Council meeting 2/18 to express the conclusions you mention about fluoridation. It would have been valuable feedback for the City Council members. Can you email your letter to the Sonoma City Council members? Gail

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