Category Archives: TSV News

The Future of Eldridge

Eldridge Village, A Complete Community

A powerful, coherent vision can help elevate the goals of the project above niche interests. Funders, progressive developers, and community volunteers are often attracted to sites that have a compelling vision. This compelling vision can help bring significant resources to the project and help it avoid potentially divisive local politics.

Sites of significant acreage without a central, coherent vision are often parceled off to various, unrelated users. At best, this new development misses an opportunity to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. At worst, a divided strategy can result in lengthy negotiations over boundaries and resources, slowing or sometimes halting a project entirely.

— “SDC Transformation Study,” Potrero Group

In this critical time of intense global pressure of rapidly growing population, shrinking land and resources, and dramatic earth changes due to climate change, the sudden availability of the beautiful Eldridge property can be seen as an opportunity to do something wonderful, a gift to the community and a fulfillment of some of our most cherished dreams. But due to its rarity and beauty, it can also become an object of our personal ambition and subject to exploitation for personal and/or corporate profit.

Purchased with taxpayer money in 1890 for $53,000, the property…

Continue reading The Future of Eldridge

Climate Chaos Roundtable

“Sonoma is the place I love most in the world, and I honestly didn’t think this kind of thing was ever going to happen [here]. I think about climate disasters a lot. I’m very happy that my family is safe, but they and a lot of other people in Sonoma, Santa Rosa and Napa have joined the growing community of people around the world who are living through the worst impacts of climate change. We knew this would happen. We saw this coming. But our political system has been far too slow to respond… The good news is we know how to stop this problem. ”

– May Boeve

After a summer of extreme weather around the world, Amy Goodman hosts a roundtable discussion at the Community Media Center of Marin with environmental leaders on next steps

  • Lindsey Allen, executive director of the Rainforest Action Network.

  • Dallas Goldtooth, organizer with the Indigenous Environmental Network.

  • May Boeve, executive director of 350 Action, the political arm of the climate organization

Watch this roundtable of environmental leaders discussing how to respond to the climate chaos that has reached our own valley.  (13 minutes) Continue reading Climate Chaos Roundtable

Climate Chaos Hits Sonoma Valley

California wildfires in Northern California have killed at least 42 people and destroyed thousands of homes and businesses, scorching more than 200,000 acres—roughly the size of New York City. The blazes are the deadliest since local record keeping began. As global temperatures continue to rise, journalist Amy Goodman looks at the link between fires and climate change with Max Moritz, fire research scientist based at UC Santa Barbara.

Continue reading Climate Chaos Hits Sonoma Valley

Was Your Vote Counted Last Election?

Voter suppression undermines faith in government wherever it occurs. Thank goodness it isn’t happening here in Sonoma County.

Or is it?

In a Sonoma County case, the American Civil Liberties Union has filed suit to find out why as many as 45,000 California ballots weren’t counted in last November’s election. The issue raised in the lawsuit is the way our signatures are verified when we vote by mail.

“People should not be denied their right to vote because a government official doesn’t like their penmanship, but that’s exactly what is happening in California,” said Michael Risher, an ACLU staff attorney, in a written statement. Continue reading Was Your Vote Counted Last Election?

E Tu, Jerry?

California climate activists are bleeding from several stabs in the back this summer from our erstwhile friends in the neoliberal environmentalist establishment and the Democratic Party. Governor Jerry Brown, desperate to preserve California’s failing Cap & Trade program,  brokered a deal (AB 398) so shamefully full of pork for polluters that it has made even some veteran sausage-makers blush.

How could Governor Moonbeam do this to us?

Continue reading E Tu, Jerry?

Our Revolution Will Not Be Twitterized

It’s official.  Democrats are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

The votes are in from the California Democratic Party Assembly District 4 delegates election and it was a clean sweep for all 10 of the candidates who ran on the “Progressive Labor Alliance” slate. This fresh crop is made up of Bernie Sanders convention delegates, Mariko Yamada endorsees, students, a farmworker, a grocery store worker, and a nurse. Continue reading Our Revolution Will Not Be Twitterized

Sonoma’s First Public Bank of Ganja

“Strange days indeed, most peculiar Mama” – John Lennon Nobody Told Me – 1977

Surely Lennon would be adding new verses this month.

“Republicans on heroin. Lakota hold the line. Nazis in the bathroom, or in a White House slot. They overbuilt in China, so finish what you’ve got.”

And with recreational cannabis now legal in California, leading cities are  putting on their green banker’s visors and getting ready to pass the proverbial peace pipe.

“… a Public Bank for Ganja, and I ain’t too surprised.”

The time has come to “Stash Your Cannabis Cash in Public Bank of Santa Rosa”.  So writes Marc Armstrong, a founding  member of the Transition Sonoma Valley Steering Team, in the North Bay Business Journal. Continue reading Sonoma’s First Public Bank of Ganja

Joint Statement – We Urge the City to Act Now

The following statement of the Sonoma Ecology Center and Transition Sonoma Valley was delivered at the Sonoma City Council meeting on September 7, 2016.

Climate change threatens what we cherish about Sonoma Valley. The initial path for action is clear and urgent. We urge the City to act now.

Our hills, our crops, and our wildlife suffer withering droughts, followed by floods. Wells are drying up. Fresh tragedies in Lake County show how vulnerable we are to wildfire. Our businesses and governments must cope with uncertainties never before contemplated.

It’s urgent that local governments act boldly now to protect a livable future. Sonoma County’s new Climate Action 2020 Plan (CAP) has a menu of climate action measures itemized for each jurisdiction, showing where we must first focus our efforts. We know we need to implement at least these measures as soon as possible.

Continue reading Joint Statement – We Urge the City to Act Now

FDA Bans Antibacterial Soap

When you buy soaps and body washes, do you reach for products labeled “antibacterial” hoping they’ll keep your family safer? Do you think those products will lower your risk of getting sick, spreading germs or being infected?

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there isn’t enough science to show that over-the-counter (OTC) antibacterial soaps are better at preventing illness than washing with plain soap and water. Continue reading FDA Bans Antibacterial Soap

Roadmap to Eco-Apocalypse

Update: After these comments first appeared on August 30, 2016, SCS Global appears to have taken down all content from the website. To maintain the relevance of our critique, we have posted a downloaded copy of the original Roadmap in question.

TSV recently  received a so-called Roadmap to Climate Stabilization brief being circulated by some climate activists based in Napa County. Misleadingly titled, this actually turned out to be a very one-sided endorsement of a highly controversial and unproven approach to addressing climate change known as “Geo-Engineering” or “Climate Intervention”.

Continue reading Roadmap to Eco-Apocalypse