Tag Archives: economics

Sonoma’s First Public Bank of Ganja

“Strange days indeed, most peculiar Mama” – John Lennon Nobody Told Me – 1977

Surely Lennon would be adding new verses this month.

“Republicans on heroin. Lakota hold the line. Nazis in the bathroom, or in a White House slot. They overbuilt in China, so finish what you’ve got.”

And with recreational cannabis now legal in California, leading cities are  putting on their green banker’s visors and getting ready to pass the proverbial peace pipe.

“… a Public Bank for Ganja, and I ain’t too surprised.”

The time has come to “Stash Your Cannabis Cash in Public Bank of Santa Rosa”.  So writes Marc Armstrong, a founding  member of the Transition Sonoma Valley Steering Team, in the North Bay Business Journal. Continue reading Sonoma’s First Public Bank of Ganja

Economics of Happiness – short film

A powerful new film that cuts deeply to the heart of the global crisis. Magnificent!”  – David Suzuki, environmentalist

“This passionate film presents a clear and articulate vision of what a shift in the scale at which we do things would look like…Very timely and powerful.” – Rob Hopkins, Co-founder of the Transition Network

Local Futures is now sharing a free, shortened version of the award-winning documentary film The Economics of Happiness. This 19-minute abridged version brings us voices of hope of in a time of crisis.  Cut down from 68 minutes to less than 20, it provides an introduction to the concept of localization – a systemic alternative to corporate capitalism – and shows how it addresses the serious problems caused by economic globalization.

Continue reading Economics of Happiness – short film